Coffee Anyone? An Amazing Dumpster Diving Find!


As I have shared in my other Dumpster Diving posts my husband has places he checks on a regular basis for goodies or items we will use or re-sell, or share with friends or sometimes we even craigslist items too.

Believe it or not my husband found a Keurig Coffee Maker the other day and we were not sure it worked or not but we brought it home and tested it and it did.  We already had one that our in-laws gave us so we gave this one to my Brother In Law who was in the process of moving from one place to another.

For a long time I vehemently said I would not get on the Keurig band wagon (here is a blog post where I discussed this very topic) however I  stand corrected because we use the reusable coffee filters and have wasted so much less coffee, water, and no longer have that horrible burnt coffee smell in our house when I leave the coffee pot on too long.  Anyways truthfully I love it as you know I love techie gadgets and smart phones I will most likely never live off grid unless I am forced to but the difference is I know how to be resourceful and I have lived two winters with no conventional heat I just don’t want to.

I would love it if you would share you favorite finds whether it is a bargain at your favorite shopping outlet or in your neighbor’s trash pile!  I mean who doesn’t like free right?  I have shared some links at the bottom of this page of some of our other dumpster diving finds and I just created a board on Pinterest where I will be adding them now too!  Come on over!

If you are on Twitter I would love it if you would follow me @lilsubhomestead also!  I will follow back!

I wish you all a beautiful Sunday and a wonderful rest of the week!

Thanks for being on the journey with us!



Karen Lynn


Other Dumpster Diving Posts You Might Like:

Canadian Budget Binder – Dumpster Diving~The Top 5 Rules For Finding The Good Stuff!

Lil’ Suburban Homestead – It’s Pickin’ Time

Lil’ Suburban Homestead – I know It’s Cliche’ But One Man’s Trash Is Truly Another Man’s Treasure




7 thoughts on “Coffee Anyone? An Amazing Dumpster Diving Find!

    1. We couldn’t believe it Mr. CBB…I think my husband thought for sure it was broken….anyways I hope my Brother In Law is making good use of it I should call and find out if he is enjoying it! Thanks so much for stopping in it’s always good to hear from you!

  1. Several years ago, when my oldest was a toddler, I found a tricycle. It had a broken plastic piece, but was otherwise fine. I took it home and called the manufacturer. For $8 they shipped me the piece I needed. I was looking at that trike yesterday, because my youngest still rides it nine years later. 🙂

    1. Cristy great find….we love it when you can find something and repair it for soooo much cheaper than the original cost of the item! NICE! Glad you are getting so much mileage out of it too! Way to go! Glad you stopped in and shared this bargain and it’s always good to hear from you!

  2. Hi KarenLynn! So glad you are back to blogging again! And so sorry for the loss of your loved one!
    The Keurig is a great find! Ya’ll seem to have a great place to dumpster dive! Have you planted seeds yet? I’m sure you have. Thanks for sharing! Blessings from Bama!

    1. Bama we have planted a few things but this weekend will be our first weekend to really get things rolling. Thank you for sharing your kind words….we lost a wonderful family member in our life but I know she is no longer in pain. I loved the Keurig find glad we could share it with my Brother In Law. Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy life to stop in 🙂 Hope all is well with you!

I Love Hearing From All Of You! Thanks for sharing!

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